Tuesday, March 1, 2011

goodies on a yucky day

Tonight, I'm watching the timer on the microwave count down and I'm getting SUPER excited. I'm making cup cakes for work tomorrow... so why am I so excited about this? This is the third 'dish' I've made since I got home from work tonight. The first was dinner: chicken piccata (Grandma's recipe) with sauted Italian mushrooms and side salad. Then, while I was waiting for Matt to get home, I worked on the second which was my great uncle Leo's crumb cake; I think that I even used the same bowl and pan that my grandma used when she made them! Now, I'm tackling the strawberry cupcakes... and, I've got out an icing bag and sprinkles to cover the top.

Oh, how I wish that I had a working camera so that I could show you the tiny kitchen I've completed all of this in, the greatest oven God ever made (thank you Grandma Koch), and the mounds of dishes waiting to be washed or put away. Not to mention the fabulous crumb cake sitting next to me. I can't wait to dig in.

All of these goodies and I have a huge smile in my heart, which is a totally blessing from God because today was RID-IC-U-LOUSLY hard for this hot tempered girl to get through. Oh, and I'm also listening to the Christian contemporary station on Pandora and God is filling my heart, my soul, and my mind. *Oh, What Love Really Means by JJ Heller... filling my heart just like on Sunday* 

Tonight, as I look at those last few dishes that need to be taken care or when I make lunches for tomorrow or when I mess up a few of those cupcakes (as I know I will), I will be relishing in the fact that I am pursued and loved by my heavenly father, I am worthy and considered His prize, and one day, I will be free from pain and sin and standing with Him.

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