Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Goal Setting

I'm joining up with Brittany, one of my favorite bloggers, for her newest mini-series. She's challenged us to name five goals we would like to be true of us a year from now. I have had many goals throughout my life, but the ones that include my heavenly father, my husband / family, and finances have been at the top of my list for a while. Some of them are similar to Brittany's which is why I think I enjoy her blog.

In no particular order, my five goals are:
1. I have grown closer to the Lord. I plan to achieve this by reading His word everyday, book by book, and meditating on his word.

2. I have become Matt's helper. I believe that God created Eve to be Adam's helper and I want to live this out in and outside of our home, for my husband. Outside of the home, I plan to do this by reading The Power of a Praying Wife everyday (lifting Matt up in prayer), asking Matt what his specific prayer needs are each day, and praying for his protection as he's on the road and in the courts / jails. In the home, I plan to keep a clean house, learn to be a better cook, and smile / laugh when he's around.

3. I have build up our savings. I plan to do this by sticking with the budget we came up with and not spending money frivolously. I will work hard at saving the money from cleaning Amy's house to put into the savings.

4. I have maintained a healthy lifestyle. I plan to do this by continuing to workout everyday on my lunch hour and start running (with Matt, I hope). I also want to gain control over my sweet addiction and cut down to one or two sweets a week; nothing more.

5. I have helped another woman / wife find their self worth. This has always been a passion of mine. I plan to do this by speaking God's truth, showing God's word and love to other women, and becoming a friend. I desperately want other women to feel worthy of God's calling on their lives and to live up to their potential with His help. I am not entirely sure what God has in store with this, but I do know through prayer I will follow His will.

If you'd like to join us in this mini-series, share your goals! *I'd say "link-up" but I don't know how to do that on my blog, yet. I'm a work in progress.*

Happy Total Women Tuesday Ladies!!


  1. These are great goals, and all seem to be very achievable! I am touched by your passion with God. I think it is wonderful and I enjoy reading about it :)

  2. I just discovered your blog through Brittany's @ High-heeled Housewife and love it! I personally appreciate your goal of #5 as that is what blogs like yours and Brittany provide for me :) I'm getting married next year and surely have a lot I can learn from women like you!
